Effective, Forward-Thinking Defense Against Juvenile Crime Allegations
You just received the call no parent expects. Your child has been arrested, detained or is otherwise subjected to the juvenile justice system. What are your rights as a parent? What are your child’s rights?
At Aiken & O’Halloran, we understand your fear and apprehension. Juvenile arrests can have far-reaching consequences. If you are fortunate, it may be a relatively minor offense for underage drinking on spring break. It may be a simple curfew violation, driving offense or minor marijuana charge. On the other hand, it may be a serious felony violation like home burglary, car theft, auto burglary or robbery. In the worst case scenario, it may be a sex crime allegation that can affect your child’s entire future. Criminal charges may result in your child being immediately expelled or transferred out of school based simply on the allegations. What happens now could affect your child’s future for years to come.
For a free consultation regarding your child’s case, please call Aiken & O’Halloran in Fort Myers at 239-955-6715 or complete our contact form. We fight to protect the well-being and future of young people throughout the Fort Myers area.
Do Not Let Your Child Be Charged As An Adult
Don’t wait to hire an attorney. In some instances, your child can be charged as an adult, and timely intervention by an experienced attorney could make the difference between a clean record and the burden of a criminal history your child may have to carry for life.
It is critical that your child be represented effectively at his or her first appearance before the court. The judge will be deciding whether or not to detain your child in the juvenile justice center pending a resolution of the case.
Contact us immediately to arrange a free consultation. We can visit your child if your child is in custody, and we can get a head start on solving your child’s legal dilemma.
For free information on the following, call now:
- Gang crimes
- Sex crimes
- Burglary
- Shoplifting
- Petit theft
- Computer crimes
- Home detentions
- Curfew violations
- Juvenile programs
- Drug crimes
- Violent crimes
- Underage drinking
Contact Us For A Free Consultation
The juvenile crime defense attorneys at Aiken & O’Halloran represent young people throughout the Fort Myers area. For a free consultation, please call us at 239-955-6715 or complete our contact form. We are here to help.