Fort Myers Probation Violation Attorneys
If you have violated your probation, do not take your situation lightly. You could end up with a harsher sentence than before. You need a Fort Myers probation violation attorney with a high level of experience — a skilled lawyer who can help you get your probation reinstated or modified. If you are facing new charges, you need a criminal defense for both the new charge and the probation violation. In some cases, your probation violation may have been a technical mistake or misunderstanding.
For a free consultation, please call Aiken & O’Halloran at 239-955-6715 or complete our contact form. Our probation violation defense lawyers represent clients throughout Fort Myers and the surrounding areas.
Put Aiken & O’Halloran On Your Side Today
At Aiken & O’Halloran, we are available 24/7 to discuss your probation violation case. Your probation officer likely discovered your violation and can now have you arrested and put in jail. Bond may or may not be set, depending on the judge’s decision. Our Fort Myers probation violations attorneys have decades of combined experience. Peter Aiken and Sean O’Halloran are experienced attorneys who can represent you at your bond or probation revocation hearing. We will try to prevent probation revocation and get you reinstated and back on the street.
Probation violations can range from minimal technical violations to serious violations for new offenses.
Common violations include:
- Moving without telling your probation officer
- Failing to report to a probation officer
- Failing to submit to a drug test
- Failing a drug test with a dirty urine specimen
- Failing to attend court-ordered drug/alcohol counseling
- Being charged with a new crime
- Not paying your fines, court costs or restitution
It is important to take a probation violation seriously. We encourage you to contact us immediately if you have been informed that you violated your probation.
Contact Us In Fort Myers For A Free Consultation
For a free consultation, please call Aiken & O’Halloran at 239-955-6715 or complete our contact form. Our probation and criminal defense lawyers represent clients throughout the Fort Myers area.